Superfast IT Blog

IT support and cyber security resources for small/medium-sized businesses in Greater Birmingham and the Black Country (West Midlands).

Outstanding Support to the Armed Forces - Awards Nominee

Superfast IT is shortlisted for Outstanding Support to the Armed Forces in this year’s Black...

10k Wolf run in aid of Walking with the Wounded

I have exciting news. Superfast IT is taking part in The Wolf Run on 4th September 2022. It’s not...

Flight Club #SuperFastSocial

  1. The first rule of Flight Club is: Superfast IT team must play virtual darts.

  2. The second rule of...

Cyber Security Poster

Downloadable cyber security awareness poster

Download a free cyber security poster for your office....

9 Ways to Protect Website and Social Accounts From Hackers

As a business owner, securing data is important, but websites and social accounts are often...

Prevent Spoofing and Impersonation Emails using DKIM and DMARC

We have all received emails that look genuine but turned out to be a spoof or impersonation....