Superfast IT Blog

IT support and cyber security resources for small/medium-sized businesses in Greater Birmingham and the Black Country (West Midlands).

International cyber bodies unify with important security guidance for businesses

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CBI and Government advise 'Business unity essential to beat cyberattacks'

Organisations are collectively being asked to act now to counter today's heightened cybersecurity...

4 Reasons Why SMEs Should Invest in Cybersecurity

Most small businesses would like to think that they aren’t a target of cybercriminal activity....

A Guide to Improving Wi-Fi Router Security:

Essential Steps for Enhanced Protection

In an age where wireless connectivity is central to...

Help Harry Help Others Charity Ball

It was a privilege to attend Help Harry Help Others Annual Charity Ball 2022 this weekend, raising...

Cybersecurity self-assessment questionnaires

What questions are included in a supply chain cybersecurity self-assessment questionnaire?

How do I...

IASME Cyber Essentials FAQs

IASME Cyber Essentials was introduced by the UK Government to help small businesses tackle cyber...