Cyber Security Poster
Downloadable cyber security awareness poster Download a free cyber security poster for your office. Educate and remind your team about cyber security...
3 min read
Katherine Garratt
07-Jul-2022 09:15:00
Download our Cyber Security email campaign template! The email templates are designed to raise employees’ awareness of cyber security and highlight their responsibility to prevent cyber incidents. Over several weeks, the emails can be drip-fed to your team - for quick and easy digestion of cyber security best-practice.
The campaign mirrors Government advice from the National Cyber Security Centre and international cyber bodies, designed to combat the heightened cyber risk following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Read our recent blog to understand why there is a heightened cyber risk following the Ukrainian invasion.
It's important that every team member knows their responsibility to defend your organisation against a cyber-attack. Cyber security isn’t just about the IT team securing computers or networks, the human firewall is just as, if not more, important.
But a human firewall is only effective if it is constantly present. All organisations should aim to create a positive cyberculture. The Downloadable Cyber Security Email Campaign provides a simple introductory framework to do just that.
The sender of the email is up to your discretion, but we would recommend a senior team member to demonstrate your cyberculture is backed by senior management.
This could mean, the sender is the company owner, CEO or managing director. In many instances, security is the responsibility of the Operations Director, and they may have the most influence. For some organisations, business culture may be owned by HR, so joint messaging could be the best approach.
In any case, if you are just starting to mould a cyberculture at your organisation, we recommend creating a level of responsibility across all department heads.
We recommend an email is sent weekly or fortnightly for consistency.
It is important to remember that a positive cyberculture can only be shaped with constant reinforcement. We recommend providing a steady flow of information and advice to your team via the Downloadable Cyber Security Email Campaign Template, but also add cybersecurity to your monthly board and team meeting agendas.
To access the template, complete the form and the word document will be ready to be downloaded. Open the word document which contains instructions and the email templates.
The Word document contains 6 email templates. Each email contains:
Subject line
Instructions/brackets to customise for your organisation e.g., attach a policy, insert your organisation name or contact name.
These can be copied and pasted straight into an email. If you are using Outlook, then take advantage of their delayed/scheduled email feature to create the emails at once and send them in a timeframe that suits your business.
Here is a guide to scheduling emails in Outlook.
We have also created a free cyber security poster that mirrors the advice in the email campaign. We recommend printing and pinning the downloadable poster at popular meeting points in your office – staff room, water fountain, on kitchen cupboards, by tea making facilities, toilets and on your intranet. Remember, the poster can also be inserted/attached to emails for remote workers.
Consistency is important when it comes to adopting a positive cyberculture. You can recycle the campaign and send it out again or enroll in automated Cyber Awareness Training.
Superfast IT Enhanced Cybersecurity Package includes automated cyber awareness training with:
Automated training so you don't have to think about it once it's set up, other than to review team members progress.
Available on demand and accessible from home.
Funny training videos that are engaging and easy to understand.
Check the progress of your team and test their ability to spot a scam and set further training where needed.
The training has deadlines and can be made compulsory to complete.
Training can be a part of your employees CPD to ensure it is completed and embedded into your company culture.
Each training video lasts around 10 minutes, making it easier to fit around day-to-day priorities.
Training is ongoing. Because it is drip-fed, cybersecurity remains at the forefront of team members' memory, with constant reminders of best practices.
We help small and medium-sized business implement a proportionate level of security to their business, which is affordable. See our cybersecurity packages for more information about the cyber controls included and contact us to speak to one of our cyber experts.
Downloadable cyber security awareness poster Download a free cyber security poster for your office. Educate and remind your team about cyber security...
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