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Cyber Security Poster

Cyber Security Poster

Downloadable cyber security awareness poster

Download a free cyber security poster for your office. Educate and remind your team about cyber security best practice, as advised by the National Cyber Security Centre and Action Fraud. Print and pin in your offices, email to your remote workforce and upload onto your intranet.

Printable Cyber Security Poster for workplaces-1

Download cyber security poster


Create a positive cyberculture

Creating a positive cyberculture requires work! We live in a generation where being cyber-aware is something new and unestablished. For many organisations, it requires changing a lifetime of bad habits and behaviours. While influencing and changing behaviours is a tall task, it is an essential one.


The human firewall

We are still at the early stages of understanding cyber threats and dangers. Over time, these threats will get more sophisticated. Organisations are tasked to bring their team up to speed and understand their responsibility in preventing, spotting and reporting cyber crimes. It is every employee's duty to form part of a human firewall.

Changing attitudes and behaviour can take time, but it's vitally important. The good news is that there are many resources that organisations can use. We highly recommend visiting the West Midland Cyber Resilience Centre website and National Cyber Security Centre Website for government advice.


Free Cyber Security Poster download

Also print out and pin up this downloadable cyber security awareness poster to educate your team and provide constant reminders about how to:

  • Spot an email scam

  • Use strong passwords

  • Challenge suspicious request

  • Understand security updates

  • Know how and who to report an incident to

CTA Download- Free cyber security poster

Download cyber security poster


Follow Government advice

The poster incorporates UK Government advice from the National Cyber Security Centre and international cyber bodies, designed to combat the heightened cyber risk following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Consistency is key

Consistent messaging is key. This why we recommend automated cyber awareness training. This is included in our Enhanced Cyber Pack



To complement the poster, we also have a downloadable Cyber Security Email Campaign Template! The email templates are designed to raise employees’ awareness of cyber security and highlight their responsibility to prevent cyber incidents. Over several weeks, the emails can be drip-fed to your team - for quick and easy digestion of cybersecurity best-practice.


Download your free Cyber security email campaign template for employees

Download email campaign template


Next steps

We help small and medium-sized business implement a proportionate level of security to their business, which is affordable. See our cyber security packages for more information about the cyber controls included and contact us to speak to one of our cyber experts.

Cyber Security Packages

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