Superfast IT Blog

IT support and cyber security resources for small/medium-sized businesses in Greater Birmingham and the Black Country (West Midlands).

QR Codes: Understanding the Risks and Ensuring Your Safety

QR codes have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. They...

9 Steps to Recovering Hacked Accounts (The Essential Guide)

Having one's online accounts hacked is not only common but can lead to significant personal and...

How Local UK Businesses Can Best Evaluate Their Cybersecurity Posture: (Essential Assessment Strategies)

As cybersecurity threats continue to evolve in complexity, businesses must adapt and strengthen...

Hackers Targeted Them, Now They're Untouchable: How Outsourcing to an MSP Reinforces Cybersecurity Defences

In the high-stakes game of digital security, the tables have turned for companies once within the...

Why Smart Small Businesses Invest in These IT Services: Insider Tips & Tricks

In the dynamic world of business technology, small businesses are finding that smart investment in...

Comprehensive IT Security Strategies for Local Birmingham Businesses

In an increasingly interconnected world, local businesses are not immune to the cybersecurity...

The “Mother of All Data Breaches:” 26 Billion Records Just Leaked… Were YOU Affected?

In the wake of the staggering incident often referred to as the 'Mother of All Data Breaches',...