Superfast IT Blog

IT support and cyber security resources for small/medium-sized businesses in Greater Birmingham and the Black Country (West Midlands).

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What is a KPI dashboard and how to build one

Hundreds of pieces of a puzzle that are all over the place don’t make much sense. But when you put...

2021 IT predictions and technology trends

Reflecting on 2020

As we approach the end of the year, it is always a good time to reflect. But...

What is Phishing?

A recent survey reported that 90% of organisations had been subject to a phishing attack. You may...

How to create an email signature in Outlook

Creating an automated email signature saves you time, keeps branding constantly and looks...

Which Microsoft 365 plan should I buy for a small business?

Comparison of Microsoft 365 plans

Initially released in June 2011, Office 365 has become...

Ransom for £13,000 in Bitcoins

Bitcoin ransom demand

Townsend Business Centre in Belfast suffered a huge cyber-attack, with ...